Ranked among Top Facilities in South India

The All India Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 is an initiative by the Times Group, to help people make informed choices and to motivate hospital and clinics to further enhance their facilities and care, leading to even better healthcare services in India. Times
Group along with i3 Research Consulting undertook an extensive survery of 1540 facilities across 10 cities viz Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmdabad, Bhubaneswar, Pune & Lucknow to arrive at a ranking of Top Super Specialty healthcare facilities in India. A robust analytical approach was followed to arrive at the final rankings.
Doc Gautham’s Neurocentre was ranked among the top 15 in South India, and the top 10 in Chennai city, among Neuroscience Healthcare Facilities in India. More…...