

Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. When your adolescent teenage child starts rebelling keep in mind that adolescence brings about a change in your child’s thinking. 

Parenting Tips , Parenting Styles  Discipline   ADHD

Up until 13 years old, children do not have the capacity to form their own opinions, and they depend on their parents to decipher all information for them.” A young child cannot fully distinguish fact from fiction. But by 13, the brain suddenly “clicks on”. Before this developmental milestone, children believe that their parents are the smartest people in the world. When the brain “clicks,” the young teen begins to realize that his or her parents aren’t infallible and don’t know as much as he/she thought they did. The perception shifts from know-it-all to know-nothing parents, and the teen becomes disillusioned. Suddenly, he/she finds that the parent doesn’t have all the answers – or any of the answers – and decides to find out on his or her own what things really mean. And the source of information is….yes, you have guessed it…..friends!

Many children announce the onset of adolescence with a dramatic change in behavior around their parents. They’re starting to separate from the parents and to become more independent. This newfound independence is, actually, a step towards separation and a sign of maturity. At this age children begin to notice the physical changes in their body. They become self conscious and increasingly aware of how others, especially their peers, see them. They begin to feel different and desperately try to be accepted by their peers. They start “trying on” different looks and identities, and become very aware of how they differ from their peers, which can result in episodes of distress and conflict with parents. Their peers, therefore become much more important, as compared with their parents, in terms of making decisions.

A common mistake that most parents make is to stereotype that adolescent as a rebellious, wild teen continually at odds with their mother and father. While this may be the case for some children, that stereotype is certainly not representative of most teens. What the parent sees is the result of emotional ups and downs that the child is going through. The primary goal of the teen years is to achieve independence. For this to occur, teens will start pulling away from their parents — especially the parent whom they’re the closest to. This can come across as teens always seeming to have different opinions than their parents or not wanting to be around their parents in the same way they used to.

As teens mature, they start to think more abstractly and rationally. They’re forming their own moral code. And parents of teens may find that kids who previously had been willing to conform to please them will suddenly begin asserting themselves — and their opinions — strongly and rebelling against parental control.

Your Parenting Style affects how your teen behaves.

What is your parenting style? Read on….